
A simple example

A very basic tag which takes no arguments and always returns 'hello world' would be:

from classytags.core import Tag
from django import template

register = template.Library()

class HelloWorld(Tag):
    name = 'hello_world'

    def render_tag(self, context):
        return 'hello world'


Now let’s explain this. To create a tag, you subclass classytags.core.Tag and define a classytags.core.Tag.render_tag() method which takes the context and any template tag options you define as arguments to the method. Since we did not define any options for this tag, it only takes context. The classytags.core.Tag.render_tag() method should always return a string.

classytags.core.Tag.render_tag on a tag class is what is used when registering the tag with a Django template tag library and also what will be used in the template.

Defining options

Defining options is done by setting the classytags.core.Tag.options attribute on your tag class to an instance of classytags.core.Options. The Options class takes any amount of argument objects or strings (called breakpoints) as initialization arguments.

Let’s build a tag which takes a single argument and an optional ‘as varname’ argument:

from classytags.core import Tag, Options
from classytags.arguments import Argument
from django import template

register = template.Library()

class Hello(Tag):
    name = 'hello'
    options = Options(
        Argument('varname', required=False, resolve=False)

    def render_tag(self, context, name, varname):
        output = 'hello %s' % name
        if varname:
            context[varname] = output
            return ''
            return output


In a template we could now do either {% hello "world" %} which would output 'hello world' or {% hello "world" as "varname" %} which would output nothing but set the {{ varname }} template variable to 'hello world'. You may also use {% hello "world" as varname %} to achieve the same result like the last example.

Writing a block tag

You can write tags which wrap a block (nodelist) in the template. An example for this kind of tag is Django’s built-in {% with %} tag.

To write the {% with %} tag from Django using django-classy-tags you would do:

from classytags.core import Tag, Options
from classytags.arguments import Argument
from django import template

register = template.Library()

class With(Tag):
    name = 'with'
    options = Options(
        Argument('varname', resolve=False),
        blocks=[('endwith', 'nodelist')],

    def render_tag(self, context, variable, varname, nodelist):
        context[varname] = variable
        output = nodelist.render(context)
        return output


Working with multiple blocks

If you’re working with multiple, optional blocks, the nodelist is always credited to the leftmost block name.

For example the Django for tag accepts an optional empty block. Let’s take following classytag options:

options = Options(
    blocks=[('empty', 'pre_empty'), ('endfor', 'post_empty')],

If you use it with {% for x in y %}hello{% empty %}world{% enfor %} the pre_empty argument to your classytags.arguments.Argument.render_tag`() would hold a nodelist containing hello, post_empty would contain world. Now if you have {% for x in y%}{{ hello }}{% endfor %}, pre_empty remains the same, but post_empty is an empty nodelist.

Easy ‘as’ Tags

There is a helper class for tags which store their output (optionally) in the context. This class is in classytags.helpers.AsTag and instead of defining a render_tag`method, you define a :meth:`classytags.helpers.AsTag.get_value method which returns the value you want to either display or be put into the context.

Here is a small example:

from classytags.core import Options
from classytags.arguments import Argument
from classytags.helpers import AsTag
from django import template

register = template.Library()

class Dummy(AsTag):
    options = Options(
        Argument('varname', resolve=False, required=False),

    def get_value(self, context):
        return 'dummy'


Now if you do {% dummy %} in your templates, it will output ‘dummy’ there. If you use {% dummy as myvar %} ‘dummy’ will be stored into the myvar context variable.

Inclusion Tags

A helper class for inclusion tags (template tags which render a template) is provided at classytags.helpers.InclusionTag. Instead of the usual render_tag method it provides two methods classytags.helpers.InclusionTag.get_template() which by default returns the attribute classytags.helpers.InclusionTag.template and defines the template to use for rendering. The method classytags.helpers.InclusionTag.get_context() should return a dictionary holding the content to use for rendering the template. Both those methods get the context and the arguments of the tag passed as arguments.

A very simple example would be:

from classytags.core import Options
from classytags.arguments import Argument
from classytags.helpers import InclusionTag
from django import template

register = template.Library()

class Dummy(InclusionTag):
    template = 'dummy.html'

    def get_context(self, context):
        return {'varname': 'dummy'}


With the following template for dummy.html:

varname: {{ varname }}

This would always render as varname: dummy.

Advanced Block Definition

Sometimes you might want to allow your blocktag to be terminated by a variable end tag to make templates more readable. This is for example done in the block tag in Django, where you can do {% block myblock %}...{% endblock %} as well as {% block myblock %}...{% endblock myblock %}. To do so in classytags, you have to use advanced block definitions using the classytags.blocks.BlockDefinition class together with the classytags.blocks.VariableBlockName class.

An example for a tag with the same signature as Django’s block tag:

class Block(Tag):
    options = Options(
        Argument('name', resolve=False),
            BlockDefinition('nodelist', VariableBlockName('endblock %(value)s', 'name'), 'endblock')

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